The Youth Awards have returned, and we're thrilled to invite your community to be a part of this celebration. Join us in selecting three exceptional teenagers from your community to be recipients of the Youth Awards. These awards, named Missionary Disciples, Missionaries of Mercy, and Liturgical Leaders, are a testament to the outstanding impact our youth have on our communities through their dedication, compassion, and leadership. These awards reflect the ways in which the Holy Spirit works within our teens.
See the description of the categories below and let us know who you select in your community to receive these awards, one per category. The honorees must be between 14 and 17 years old and/or in High School. Those who may turn 18 during the current school year qualify for the awards. PLEASE NOTE, if a category does not apply, please let us know by typing NA.
If you have any special requests, please feel free to communicate directly with Sophia Herrera, the Office of Youth Ministry assistant, at (520) 838 2537 or via email at [email protected].